Sweet & Spicy
I love trying new food, and so far everything I’ve tried here in Korea has been very delicious. Before I came to Korea, I knew that Korea...

Communicate without words
During our Korean games and sports class, I learned so many new things about how similar and different the games are in South Korea...

Lost "child" in Seoul
Various times, I have gotten lost in Seoul. Luckily, that’s where having friends (especially Korean friends) come in handy, but let’s...
Education and the birth rate
One interesting story from this week has been the interaction with the SNUE students. Getting to meet and getting to know some fellow...

Navigating South Korea with English
Even though I have been learning the Korean language, I did not have confidence to use it when I ask native Koreans for help. If I do...

Grateful for Pictures
Some local restaurants have Korean only menus with pictures of each item to help non-Korean speakers. Personally, I love TteokbokkiI...

Language is not a barrier
I am going to hope for the best when I point at that item on the Korean menu. It is hard when I can’t converse with people in their...

Cultural practices in the curriculum
Experiencing new things that relates to modern Korea during the first week has given me a deeper understanding of Korea’s history....

Han Culture
I had a hard time understanding the history behind education and why it is still so important to South Koreans before coming to South...

The pride of South Korea
The connection between the readings and the Korean education and history lectures are that they both focused heavily on education and how...