During our Korean games and sports class, I learned so many new things about how similar and different the games are in South Korea compared to America. Even though there was a mild language barrier, I was able to connect with professor Cheon due to the similarity in the games. For example, South Korea’s traditional “tower rolling” game is similar to “duck duck gray duck” or goose in America. I thought it was interesting how my peers and I didn’t really need translation because we communicated with our professor through body movements and video examples. It’s interesting to find different ways to communicate without words. Another similar experience that I had was at the musical performance. The girls and I were wondering if there was going to be any subtitles in English during the play because we can’t understand Korean. When the show started there were no words again. It was just body movements, facial expression, and sounds that the actors, actresses, and dancers used to communicate the story line to us. This reminded me a lot of the sports class experience.