My favorite interaction in South Korea was with the teachers in the training class. I had so much fun learning about their training program and about their personal lives. Through the lunch conversations, I learned that our age gap and culture plays a huge role in our perspective on life. For example, they spoke about their experience studying abroad and many of them said they would rather be traveling for fun instead of taking courses. I was slightly surprised that they did not enjoy it, but then I thought about South Korea’s education and how challenging it would be to fully enjoy a different country when you are still practicing your own culture. In this case, how they do their education. I commented that I personally enjoy studying abroad more than traveling for fun because I get an opportunity to have a better understanding of their culture and the people. That’s when one of the teachers said “it’s because you’re young.” After that conversation, I noticed many different opinions not only due to the cultural difference but the age gap as well. This realization made every topic more interesting and opened my eyes to not only look at things in black and white.