I was surprised and shocked by how clean the streets were when we first arrived in Seoul. I hear it all the time that South Korea is a very clean country, trash wise, but I didn’t think it’d be as clean as I’ve seen it. I notice the same pattern of a clean environment when we arrived at SNUE. We were taught how to properly toss trash, recyclable items, and ramen cups away in their correct bins. I thought that no one would care to listen because it’s not like anyone would be monitoring the trash 24/7 but to my surprise it’s a norm for people to actually take their time to separate their trash. From my observations, every SNUE student carefully categorizes their trash before throwing them out and I was very impressed. I don’t know if a tidy culture exist but I think South Korea has it. Others may think that this is a weird observation but it gave me a really good impression of the trash system, city, country, and people here in South Korea.