One of my most favorite and memorable culture experiences is going biking at the Han River at night. Like I always mention in Korean drama couples or friends hanging out they like to do things together and making it look so fun. My pen pal, Yewon took us biking at the Han River and it was just breathe taking! The view was just simply beautiful. It was a very memorable memory because Ellie couldn’t ride a bike, so we had to do a two-person bike. Although it was quite hard to control at first it was a fun experience to try a two-person bike. Ellie thought it was romantic. But being able to try this culture experience with friends is quiet a fun way to remember. We shared a lot of laugh and getting to know each other, asking questions whether it was about culture or ourselves. I would absolutely recommend having hang out at the Han River. It’s worth the view and plus they have some work out equipment or you can exercise!