Because I have watched many korean movies and TV shows I thought that I would get used to the culture very quickly, however this was not the case. One thing that amazes me every time is how polite and nice everyone is. Even if its just going into a store, the employees always speak formally and nicely. They always bow. I do not think I have yet seen a grumpy store employee that did not smile. The store employees have even sometimes followed me around the store to make sure that I have everything that I need. I was very confused the first time because I thought they had a problem with me or something, but they just wanted to ensure a good quality experience.
Another cultural thing that I absolutely love is all the side dishes that comes with every meal. I am used to eating one entrée as the meal, but in Korea there are always side dishes to compliment the meal you are eating. The really cool part is that every restaurant gives you different side dishes. It is not always kimchi and the same thing each time. I think they give you the side dishes depending on the types of foods that it compliments and there is such a huge variety of possible side dishes. I have gotten kimchi, beansprouts, achovies, soup, etc, and even salads!